Can you text with Live Chat?

Yes, text on mobile is a great feature that is automatically included for mobile devices on Live Chat. If someone selects the TEXT US button it will go to a text number provided by Live Chat that will match the [...]

Are other languages available on Live Chat?

Yes. English and Spanish are both available on Live Chat. We add an alternate button to the chat invitation, so someone can initiate a chat in Spanish. Or, if they start a chat in English.  Our trained agents have the [...]

What are the Live Chat lead types and what do they mean?

When we send a lead it will be classified one of three ways: "Sales", "Other", or "Service". Only "Sales" leads are billable. "Sales" (billable) = Someone we've chatted with where we've obtained the visitor’s name and contact information (phone number and/or email [...]

Does Live Chat Integrate with CRM Systems?

Yes. Live Chat integrates with most CRM systems to ensure your team isn’t missing important lead information.  To access the list of CRMs we have successfully integrated with click here, CRM Systems. If you do not see the CRM on the [...]

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