What is Geo-Farming and do we offer it?

The answer to that is yes, we do. We call it Geo-Retargeting, and it's part of our Mobile Conquesting tactics that are available. It’s capturing mobile device IDs of users who have entered into a specific location (a geo-fence) and [...]

How Does Retargeting Work With Non-BARCK+ Products?

When we do Retargeting (whether Retargeting from a client’s website or Station Website Retargeting) we try and retarget from the same exchange(s) so we can balance where conversions are coming from with served impressions- once you start splitting up exchanges [...]

What is Mobile Conquesting Geo-Retargeting?

With Mobile Conquesting we can add in "geo-retargeting."  There are two ways we can do geo-retargeting:  Retarget people who have visited any location you provide us (allow two weeks for geo-retargeting to begin serving ads).  These people do not have [...]

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