What are Facebook Branded Content Ads?

Branded Content is a type of Facebook ad where we create an ad that looks like a post from your station’s Facebook page and “tag” the client. It is a way to utilize “influencer marketing” through a type of endorsement [...]

What is Facebook Interest Targeting Expansion?

Facebook Interest Targeting Expansion is when Facebook gives us the option to expand your target audience if we think doing so will get you better results. It allows us to adjust your interest categories to reach more people who wouldn't [...]

Can Facebook share my email/phone list or use it?

No, they can't.  Below is their policy on lists that we upload to use for Custom Audience matching.   Below is their policy or click here: https://www.facebook.com/ads/manage/customaudiences/tos.php or download this pdf: facebook_audiences_data_security_overview  

Should I use Facebook for B2B clients?

Yes!  There are a multitude of ways we can target businesses including by job title, job role, type of business, employer (name of business) type of industry, business size, type of office, job interests and many more.  Check out this [...]

Facebook reports – Reach vs Impressions

The screenshot below shows what a client will see in their Facebook page admin when we are running a campaign:   It shows “paid reach” of 18,231, that is the number of different people who have seen the ad thus [...]

Do You Have Examples Of Carousel Ad Ideas?

Facebook and Instagram Carousel ads can drive up to 10 times more traffic to advertisers’ websites than static sponsored posts on Facebook.  Research studies have found that they can receive a 72% higher click-through rate versus single image mobile app [...]

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