What is included in Facebook post engagments?

Facebook engagement includes likes, comments, and shares, but it also includes many other actions as well. Here is a sample of a social media engagement page in our monthly reports:   The Post engagement highlighted area can also include clicking [...]

Housing ads on Facebook- what do I need to know?

Anyone placing housing ads (apartment, real estate, etc) on Facebook or Instagram (carousel, video, static, etc) will not be able to target users by age, household income, gender, or zip code.  However, we can target by  radii (minimum 15 miles), [...]

Recruitment ads on Facebook- what do I need to know?

Anyone placing recruitment ads on Facebook or Instagram (job listing, carousel, video, static, etc) will not be able to target users by age, house hold income, gender, ethnicity, or zip code.  However, we can target by a minimum 15-mile radius [...]

The Difference Between Boosted Posts and Facebook Ads

This information is take from this Facebook support article:  https://www.facebook.com/business/help/317083072148603 What's a boosted post? A boosted post is a post to your Page's timeline that you can apply money to in order to boost it to an audience of your choosing. This is [...]

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