What types of Social Mirror Ads can I run?

Static, video, carousel can be run for most (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram), although some ad platforms, like Snapchat, users would only expect a video or static ad, not a carousel.  Tik Tok/YouTube users may expect a video, since it’s a video [...]

What’s clickable on a Social Mirror Ad?

On the upper right and left hand corners the social icons click to the business page, or with Snapchat it allows to add your business as a friend.  The Call-to-Action goes to the client’s landing page of choice.  The social [...]

What are Social Mirror Ads?

Social Mirror ads mimic the look and feel of top social media platforms and appear outside of those sites, across all devices.  Each ad has the ability to not only link back to the social platform, but also a second [...]

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