As of 6-7-21 the latest on Google tracking in apps on Android phones:

Google has notified Android app developers that it will enable users to opt out of sharing their Advertiser ID, which enables marketers to track users as they move between apps. On its face, it sounds quite similar to Apple’s App Tracking Transparency. However, on Google’s Advertising ID help page, the company describes the change as an “opt-out” action taken by the user. Apple’s implementation is more of an “opt-in” process, as it explicitly asks whether users want to allow an app to track them when the app is opened for the first time. If Google’s implementation is similar to Apple’s, a greater proportion of users may opt out, which may disable advertisers from tracking users or selling their data to other businesses. On the other hand, if the option to opt out is hidden away in menus, the impact for advertisers may not be as drastic. The change will roll out in phases, beginning with apps running on Android 12 towards the end of this year.

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