Facebook updated their way of accepting 3rd party Admin requests in September 2020. There’s one of two paths you can go to see the request.  If the client’s Facebook page is NOT owned by a Facebook Business Manager account, then an Admin on the PAGE can accept the request.  If the client’s Facebook page is owned by a Business Manager account, then an Admin on the BUSINESS MANAGER account needs to accept the request.  If the client isn’t sure but they are an Admin on the Facebook page and they go to “Page Roles” and see this, then the Facebook Page is owned by a Business Manager Account:

If your client is an Admin on the Facebook page, and the page is NOT owned by a Business Manager account:





































































If the client’s page is owned by a Facebook Business Manager account, an admin on the account (not just the page) should log into their Facebook Business Manager Account to see the request.  Here’s how:

Step 1: Visit this URL https://business.facebook.com/ and try logging in (if you can’t, reset password).

Step 2: Once you log in, you will see your Facebook Business Manager Account on the next page, which you click to open.

Step 3: Go into “Business Settings” from the left hand menu, and scroll down to “Requests”.  Click accept on that request.

Please click here if this helped you.
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