We analyzed 3 months of data over millions of impressions to determine of the people that click on a Mobile Conquesting campaign, how many then visit that client’s location?  The average is 5%.  That means of the people who click on an ad, on average 5% of those customers meet the criteria to be counted as an in-store visit to the physical location of a store.

One thing to keep in mind is this percentage is representing “raw visits”.   Our reports will typically  report 1/4 of the total actual visits- because you have to see the ad then go back to the store premises, browse, and connect back to any ad on our mobile exchanges in order to be counted as a visit. The user has to have GPS turned on in order for a visit to be counted.  So when looking at the number of “raw visits” to a location, the actual visits will be this number multiplied by 4.  When looking at “raw visits” that jumps the average of people who click and then visit the location, to 20%.

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