Edit Feb 2024: new article quoting it at .06%  https://marketinginsidergroup.com/content-marketing/banners-99-problems/

The national average click-through rate (CTR) for image display ads as a whole is 0.07% (from Google):












  • We continue to follow studies and the most recent one had it even lower at .05% for the 300 x 250 display ad (the most common size).
  • CTRs will range differently for different sizes, .07% continues to be a good overall median CTR as an average of all the different types.
  • Yes, Facebook and Instagram do average higher:

Right hand column – .16%

News Feed – 1.1%

Stories – .79%

Audience Network – .69%

Instagram News Feed – .22%

Instagram Stories – .33%

You can refer to these sources:



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