We offer Social Media Monitoring which is part of our SEO Reputation Management platform, but we do not offer Social Media Listening products. “Monitoring” and “Listening” are different. Most local small businesses do not need Social Listening tools – this is primarily for bigger companies with branding and imaging concerns. IT IS NOT ADVERTISING. Like SEO, it is not about ads.  Here is an excellent article explaining both Social Monitoring and Social Listening: https://sproutsocial.com/insights/social-listening/

The key takeaways:

Social Listening is the process of tracking conversations around specific phrases, words or brands, and then leveraging them to discover opportunities or create content for those audiences. The key difference is with monitoring, you’re compiling a list of social media engagement instances with the intention of taking an immediate action—reply, like or route the message to sales or support. With listening, you analyze the bigger picture behind all the conversations and integrate your learnings into your social strategy.

With Social Listening tools you can see which hashtags, topics or keywords people use when speaking to your brand. This will give you a great understanding of how your target audience talks as well as the phrases they associate with your brand. Use this data to craft personalized social media content that uses the type of language your audience is familiar with. You can also use your analysis for other areas of marketing such as in landing pages, ad copy or blog posts.

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