Usually if we are geo-fencing you will tell us an address and then a radius (circle) of what size (down to a tenth of a mile) you want us to target around that address.  (How do you know how wide a radius to use?  See this FAQ here:

But sometimes you might need us to map the EXACT coordinates of a store or building and don’t want us to target outside of that (like neighboring businesses or the parking lot).  This is called doing a custom blueprint with a polygon.  An example of this is if you wanted to geo-fence a competitor that is located in a strip center.  You would want us to target people going into that competitor but not the stores around it.

In this scenario you need to give us the name of the business, the address, the latitude and longitude, and a screenshot of the location on a map (see below).  How to do this?  Easy!  Go to and watch this quick video on how to get the information we need:


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