Live Chat will create the script based on the basic information we get from the client checklist and by pulling info from the client’s website about their services so that they can answer basic questions.  Client does not need to provide any type of script.  We can continue to edit and tweak the script as the client gets the email of the chats and sees things they want to add or change.

Please see your Pre Campaign Checklist for details we need from the client prior to launch.

You can have custom questions that pertain to recruitment, qualifying info, answering the top questions about certain promotions or offers as well as information about your product or service.


Below is a typical script (before it is customized):


1. Business Description
– xxxxx

– xxxxx (if nothing to note, repeat special instructions)::

– SERVICE AREA::We service clients in xxxxx.

4. Greeting
– May I have your name please?
– Before we proceed, may I have your phone number and email to better assist you?

5. Determine what customer wants
– MUST ASK:: Question xxx
– Which of our xxxx are you interested in?
– Would you like to set up a consultation with one of our xxxxx?

– xxxxx
– xxxxx
– xxxxx

7. Next Steps, Product and Service Questions
– Our services include xxxxx
– FAQs::Here is a link to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page which may assist you: xxxxxx however, I recommend you speak with one of our xxxxxx who can answer your specific questions.
– The next step would be for me to have one of our xxxxx contact you to answer additional questions and set up a free consultation.
– RECOMMENDATION::I recommend you speak with one of our xxxxx who can review your request and recommend possible options moving forward.
– One of our xxxxx can discuss this in greater detail and provide you with pricing, etc.

8. Pricing Questions
– I’m sorry, I’m not able to provide you with pricing however, I can have a xxxx from our office contact you to provide you with all costs.
– Each situation is different. I can have one of our xxxx contact you to give you more information on pricing. Would you like me to have someone from our office contact you?

9. Set Up Consultation
– The best way to get your questions answered is to set up a free consultation with one of our xxxx.
– I have forwarded your information to our office and someone will contact you during our regular business hours if we are able to assist you.

10. General
– SERVICE AREA::We service clients in xxxxx.
– I am part of the live chat support team.
– We respect your privacy. We do not maintain/share any sort of lists, and we do not send junk/spam emails. We only contact customers who have asked to be contacted.
– Is there anything else I can help you with?
– Thank you for contacting .

11. Business Contact
– PHONE::We can be reached at xxxxx
– EMAIL::To email us, please use our contact form: xxxx Your email will be delivered to the appropriate person.
– ADDRESS::We are located at xxxxx
– Here is a link for assistance with directions to our office: xxxxx

12. Office Hours
– Our business hours are xxxxx


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