There are 3,133 times more messages sent in email PER DAY than posts on Facebook. How is that a good thing? Our email boxes are so cluttered, we only have time to open and read the MOST urgent and important things.

Secondly, an email campaign is only as effective as it’s open rate. For example, an average open rate for automotive would be about 11% as evidenced by the research below. So how is the dealership going to reach the 89% of people that are NOT opening the email that they are sending? A better way to reach those people is online using that email list to target people on Facebook and Instagram or doing advertising on relevant websites to auto buyers artificial intelligence, Behavioral and Keywords. People are more receptive to advertising that is about and on websites where they are searching for information than they are to an unsolicited email appearing intrusively in their in box.

Research on open rates by type of business from Mail Chimp:

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