Mobile Conquesting Additional Reports You Can Request:

Geo-Fencing Visit Break Outs:

If we are Geo-Fencing multiple addresses, we can break out visits for each Geo-Fence.*

Geo-Fencing Click Break Outs:

If we are Geo-Fencing multiple addresses, we can break out Impressions, Clicks and Click Through Rate for each Geo-Fence.*

DNA Report By Click:

If we are Geo-Fencing areas, we can pull a DNA Report that shows top categories for people who were in the Geo-Fence that clicked on the ad.

DNA Report By On-Site Visit:

If we are Geo-Fencing areas, we can pull a DNA Report that shows top categories for people who saw the ad and then visited the client’s location.

*These reports are not available for Address Targeting campaigns.

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