In short, they won’t.  Vici does not buy the types of ads that the new Google Chrome Browser block.  Here is more information on the changes Google is making as of 2/15/18 to the Chrome Browser.

The Chrome browser will begin to automatically filter out ads that don’t meet certain quality standards.

Google is a member of the Coalition for Better Ads, an industry group that has performed research on what forms of web advertising annoys people the most. It’s created a list of the 12 types of web experiences that should ideally be avoided by advertisers. Now Google is going to enforce that list with Chrome, which is used by over half of all people accessing the web with a browser.

The 12 ad types that Google Chrome will block by default.

Google will take a sample of various webpages on a specific website that offers ads and analyze whether that page is serving any of the offending ad categories. It’ll be given a score of “Passing, Warning, or Failing.” Sites that don’t manage to get a passing grade will be notified by Google and they can review an ad experience report for details on what needs to change. If a site ignores multiple warnings, its ads will be blocked by default after 30 days.

If a user visits a site that’s being filtered by Chrome, they’ll see a message in the address bar that gives them the option to still allow ads—on mobile, users will see a pop-up at the bottom of the screen that will give them the same option. Yes, pop-up ads are blocked, and Google will be informing you with a pop-up notification.



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