Live Chat is an affordable solution for clients looking to close the gap on conversions. There is a one time technology fee of $600 for  Live Chat per website ($300 net to Vici). We will provide all the necessary info and instructions to get this added to your clients site. For Spanish Chat option, it is an additional fee of $250 gross ($125 net to Vici).

All leads are charged monthly at  $10 per lead.  You’re only charged for the lead if the visitor’s name, contact information, and what the visitor is looking for, is gathered, and the person is within your target geographic area. Here’s how it works:

We will email you every lead to the designated email you’ve given us along with a transcript of the Live Chat conversation. However, you are only charged for leads designated as “Sales”. Leads are classified one of three ways: “Sales”, “Other”, or “Service”.
Only “Sales” leads are billable to you.

  • “Sales” (billable) = Someone we’ve chatted with where we’ve obtained the visitor’s name and contact information (phone number and/or email address), what the visitor is looking for is offered by the business, and the visitor falls within the business’ geographic coverage area.
  • “Other” (non-billable) = Someone who’s outside of the geographic coverage area, someone looking for a service the business doesn’t offer, looking for a job, etc.
  • “Service” (non-billable) = An existing customer of the business – they may be trying to reschedule an appointment or get in touch with their sales rep, etc.

Leads can be capped every month or unlimited. 90% of clients choose unlimited leads.  If you wish to cap you leads per month, say to $500 for example, let us know on the Insertion Order.  When the cap is reached the Chat Box disappears from the website and returns the following month.




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