There are several factors that make our OTT service different:

  • 100% of our OTT ads are served on Connected TVs (vs some providers that place a portion of their OTT ads on their own network owned properties or on their station website)
  • Our reports show completion graphs
  • We can serve OTT ads to a targeted database list with address and/or emails (Amazon OTT only through our Amazon Custom Audience Targeting)
  • We have access to Amazon OTT through the Amazon Demand Side Platform (DSP).  With Amazon OTT, we can target by people’s behaviors, Amazon Product Targeting (targeting people who have searched for, or purchased, certain products) and through a Custom Audience from a client’s database
  • We have over 100,000 targeting categories to choose from and we can also use Artificial Intelligence to find the optimal audience
  • We have direct deals with large publishers and devices like Samsung TV, DirecTV, NHL, Fox, local news stations, Disney/ABC, AMC Networks, NBC Universal, National Geographic, A&E Networks, Bloomberg, Discovery, The CW, and MLB to serve ads through direct connections.
  • We also offer Retargeting with our OTT services

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