Google is moving more towards a “first party cookie” environment which means that people logged into their Google account who are using Chrome to surf the web will still see ads on websites that are a part of Google’s ad exchange.

This article explains the issue well:

“How many consumers will block cookies?

In order to block third-party cookies, Chrome requires users to opt out – and traditionally, very few people opt out.

“The vast large majority of users don’t want to mess with their settings,” said Brian Kane, COO and co-founder of Sourcepoint, which provides consent management software to publishers.

Similarly, Chrome’s proposed “why am I seeing this ad?” browser extension would offer little appeal to consumers, Ghostery’s Tillman said, in part because it wants consumers to monitor their ads on an ongoing basis.

“Users like set-and-forget tools,” Tillman said. They don’t have the bandwidth to check where all their ads are coming from.

Similar dynamics exist around consent to use data. “Most users just want to get on with their experience,” Sourcepoint’s Kane said. “I don’t expect consumers to tailor their settings or block cookies, so I don’t think it will be very impactful.”

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