The screenshot below shows what a client will see in their Facebook page admin when we are running a campaign:

Picture 1


It shows “paid reach” of 18,231, that is the number of different people who have seen the ad thus far.  On the monthly reports Vici sends you, we are showing “total impressions” which is the total number of times the ad has been viewed, 55,172 so it includes people seeing it more than once (frequency).

Picture 2

The frequency would be the Impressions we served shown above in the report (number of times the ad was shown) which is 55,172 divided by the Reach shown on the client’s screenshot above (number of people the ads was shown to) which is 18,231.

55,172 divided by 18,231 = frequency of 3.  So each person was served the ad approximately 3 times.

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