Yes, we work with all websites. However websites like Wix and Hibu websites for now we only offer a static invite code, it is not dynamic to those types of websites. For AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) website please reach out to your Vici Trainer for details on how to add a chat invitation to the website. For WordPress sites, a plugin must be installed. See instructions below to activate Live Chat.

Below is instructions that can be used on WIX websites.

Add the code below to include the chat invitation on your Wix website. We recommend installing a static code near the top of each page of the website. This allows clients to start chat from a picture or button on the website.


<img style=”cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;” src=”IMAGE URL HERE” onclick=” (‘ by Vici&requestedAgentId=25&originalReferrer=’document.referrer‘&referrer=’+window.location.href,”,’width=440,height=680’);”>

An alternative option is SMS. We can provide a static SMS code.


Please use the following instructions for WordPress websites.

1) Go to Plugin > Add New

2) Upload the plugin file Click To Download Plugin

3) Activate the plugin

4) Go to Settings > ApexChat

5) Insert your Company Key provided

6) Check Enable.

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