The answer is possibly.

The basic rule is that pop-ups and any other kind of interstitials that are intrusive to readers are a big NO. This is applicable to mobile webpages only.

Examples of Acceptable Pop-ups











Google offers examples of non-intrusive pop-ups. The pop-ups similar to these are fine and considered perfectly acceptable by Google
• Pop-ups in response to legal requirements such as age verification or cookie usage. Same goes for pop-ups that require login to access locked content.
• Pop-ups that occupy reasonable screen space and are easily dismissible.
• Smaller messages like banners, inlines or slide ins, or content hidden behind tabs.
From the illustrative list above, it may be safe to conclude that including expandable content such as accordions or expandable boxes are safe options.

Examples of Unacceptable Pop-ups











Google does not approve of pop-ups that significantly impair or prevent people from using your website. This includes:
• Classic interstitial ads and splash ads that interrupt users as they navigate between pages and/or before they reach your homepage.
• New window pop-ups that open as soon as a user clicks on your page.
• Content-covering pop-ups that users are forced to close to continue reading.
• Standalone interstitials that must be dismissed before users can access your content.
• Deceptive page layouts whose above-the-fold portion looks like an interstitial.

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