Facebook and Instagram Carousel ads can drive up to 10 times more traffic to advertisers’ websites than static sponsored posts on Facebook.  Research studies have found that they can receive a 72% higher click-through rate versus single image mobile app ads.  Here’s some great ideas for ways to use Carousel ads:

1. Highlight a Product
Tieks are a specialist ballet shoe maker and used carousel ads to highlight one of the products. Each graphic panel of the ad focuses in on one aspect of their shoe, and they used the headline copy to provide more context to each image.


2. Illustrate How to Use a Product
Tyme Hair used carousel ads to showcase how you can use one of their products. To show how their curling irons worked, they used each panel of the ad to share a step with a corresponding image.


3. Tell a Story
Stories are an incredibly effective way of sharing your brand’s message and engaging with your customers. Project Repat, a company who make quilts out of old t-shirts, have used Carousel ads to tell the story of how your memories can transform into a quilt.


4. Product Tour
Music app Deezer used Carousel ads to give people a taste of the in-app experience before they even download it. Each panel of the ad summarized a feature of the app, offering people a good idea of what to expect from the app.


5. Share an Article
Carousel ads are an amazing way to share and promote articles. In the below example, Precision Nutrition shared articles from their website on healthy eating for athletes.


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