
A few things to note on CBD creative.

  • Both the website and the art will be checked by the ad exchanges
  • The website can be only CBD (no cannabis) and it also can’t contain any CBD vaping products or accessories.  If found they can’t run.
  • All websites are audited.  Advertising may not redirect users to any URL where cannabis or unpermitted CBD items are also sold or mentioned, or to an “under construction” site – must be a complete site to be approved.
  • Every website has to be preapproved before we can run along with the art.  Allow up to 5 business days for approval.
  • In the art you cannot include the wording of Cannabis products; marijuana leaves/pictures on the creative; vaping/smoking products; extraordinary ailment specific claims “CBD cures cancer, etc”

For a full list/chart of ad restrictions, click here.

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